How Long does it take to walk 100 miles? (With Calculator)

The average walking speed for most people ranges from 3 to 4 miles per hour. Based on this pace, here are some basic calculations:

  • At 3 mph: Walking 100 miles would take approximately 33 hours and 20 minutes.
  • At 4 mph: Walking 100 miles would take about 25 hours.

These estimates assume continuous walking without breaks, which is not practical for such a long distance.

Use the calculator for a more accurate estimate based on a reduced average speed for instance



Walking 100 miles is a significant physical endeavor that requires careful planning and consideration of various factors. Unlike driving, where speed limits and traffic conditions are primary concerns, walking long distances involves different challenges, including physical endurance, terrain, weather conditions, and personal pace. This article will explore these factors to help you understand how long it takes to walk 100 miles and how to prepare for such a journey.

Factors Affecting Walking Time

  1. Physical Fitness: Your level of physical fitness greatly impacts your walking speed and endurance. Regular walkers or hikers can maintain a faster pace for longer periods, while those less accustomed to long-distance walking may need more time and frequent breaks.
  2. Terrain: The type of terrain you are walking on can significantly affect your speed. Flat, paved surfaces are easier to walk on compared to hilly, rocky, or uneven trails. Walking uphill is more strenuous and will slow your pace, while downhill walking can increase speed but may be harder on the joints.
  3. Weather Conditions: Weather plays a crucial role in your walking experience. Extreme temperatures, rain, or strong winds can make walking more difficult and tiring, requiring you to slow down or take more breaks.
  4. Load Carrying: Carrying a heavy backpack with supplies such as water, food, and gear can reduce your walking speed and increase fatigue. It’s important to pack efficiently and only carry what is necessary.
  5. Rest and Recovery: Unlike driving, walking 100 miles requires multiple days, and you will need to account for rest and recovery time. Most long-distance walkers plan for 10 to 20 miles per day, depending on their fitness level and the difficulty of the terrain. This means walking 100 miles could take anywhere from 5 to 10 days.

Planning Your Journey

When planning to walk 100 miles, it’s essential to prepare thoroughly. Here are some tips:

  1. Training: Build up your walking stamina by gradually increasing your distance over time. Regular long walks will condition your body for the challenge ahead.
  2. Route Planning: Choose a route that matches your fitness level and experience. Consider the terrain, availability of rest stops, and access to supplies.
  3. Supplies: Carry essential items such as water, high-energy snacks, first aid supplies, weather-appropriate clothing, and a reliable map or GPS device.
  4. Accommodation: Plan where you will rest each night. Depending on your route, this could be camping, staying in hostels, or finding other accommodations.
  5. Safety: Inform someone about your walking plans and expected timeline. Carry a mobile phone or communication device for emergencies.


Walking 100 miles is a challenging but achievable goal with the right preparation and mindset. The time it takes depends on various factors, including your walking speed, fitness level, terrain, and weather conditions.

On average, you can expect to spend anywhere from 25 to 33 hours walking, spread over several days. Proper planning, training, and supplies are essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey. Whether you’re walking for adventure, fitness, or personal achievement, understanding these factors will help you set realistic expectations and make the most of your experience.

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