Bias Tee (T) Calculator

This tool calculates Inductor and Capacitor values for a Bias T

This tool calculates the Capacitor and Inductor values for a Bias T design. Enter the following: Formula The minimum value of Capacitance is C = 1/(2*π*f*Xc) The Inductance value is …

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VSWR to dB Return Loss Calculator

VSWR to dB calculator

This tool computes the Return loss (in dB) from Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). dB to VSWR Formula Γ = (VSWR – 1)/(VSWR + 1) Return Loss (dB) = -20*Log10(|Γ|) …

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dB to VSWR Calculator

dB to VSWR Calculator

This tool converts the Return Loss in dB to Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. VSWR to dB Formula VSWR = (1 + 10-RL/20)/(1 – 10-RL/20) Example Calculation A Return Loss of …

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dBm to Vrms Calculator

This tool converts Power in dBm to Volt Root-mean-square or VRMS The default impedance (Z) is 50 ohm, although you can change that to any value. Convert Volt RMS to …

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dBm to uW (microwatt) Formula and Calculator

Use this calculator to convert dBm (deciBel referenced to 1 milliwatt) to μW (Microwatt). 🔁 μW to dBm Formula PuW = (10PdBm/10)*103 where Example Calculations Background dBm (decibel-milliwatts) is a unit …

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