Can anyone use MURS Frequencies?

In the United States, MURS (Multi-Use Radio Service) frequencies can be used by anyone without a license, provided they adhere to certain rules set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Key points about using MURS frequencies

  1. No License Required: Unlike other radio services like GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) or amateur radio, you do not need a license to operate on MURS frequencies.
  2. Power Limitations: The maximum legal power output is 2 watts for MURS devices, which limits the range but also minimizes interference with other users.
  3. Antenna Restrictions: There are limitations on the height of antennas. Specifically, antennas must not be more than 60 feet above the ground or 20 feet higher than the structure on which they are mounted.
  4. Frequency Use: There are five specific VHF frequencies allocated for MURS:
  • 151.820 MHz
  • 151.880 MHz
  • 151.940 MHz
  • 154.570 MHz
  • 154.600 MHz
  1. Type of Communication: MURS can be used for personal or business communications. It is commonly used by small businesses, family members for personal activities, or by individuals for recreational activities.
  2. Equipment: Equipment used on MURS frequencies must be FCC certified specifically for MURS. The use of modified amateur radio equipment or other non-certified devices is not permitted.

MURS is particularly popular because it offers a license-free option for short-range communication. However, users must comply with the rules to avoid interference with other communications and ensure safety.

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